Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Can a Relationship Survive Without This Important Ingredient?

The number four reason you can’t find love is because you don’t know how to cooperate.  In a study, they found couples in healthy relationships were more effective communicators and better at resolving conflict at work than those in unhealthy relationships.  Couples in healthy relationships are people who understand the importance of cooperation and what is required.  It also says cooperative people

cooperate no matter where they are.  And the skills are transferable from home to work and vice versa.  People in unhealthy relationships are proof that cooperation never just magically happens and neither do great relationships. Many people unknowingly see cooperation as a tit for tat.  In other words, they have a mindset of I’ll bring something to the relationship and cooperate if you bring something.  But you go first.  That’s not working together.  Yet, it is exactly what many are doing.   

A relationship is an opportunity for two minds to work together in the best interest of both.  Therefore, two minds are better than one.  Is there a vision and mission for the relationship?  Or is the union just about having sex?  If it is more than sex, what complementary skills does each bring to the table?  Will each person be willing to put in the effort to help bring the vision of the relationship to reality?  

This may also involve bringing individual resources to the table, like time, brain power, manual labor, personal contacts, networking, money, etc.  If you are not bringing some resources, what are you bringing that will benefit both.  And more importantly, why are you together?  Cooperating makes life easier for both.      

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