Sunday, May 31, 2020

Are Women Abusing the Privileges of Being a Woman?

It seems the year 2020 will be a year for the history books.  We started with impeachment for the president of the US.  Then Covid-19 overshadowed that.  After several months of quarantine, the country found itself in the middle of a battle of the sexes in Central Park with racial overtones.  Now cities are

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How Do You Figure Out the Best Niche Market for Your Business?

Marketing is ultimately an exchange of relationships.  It is the way organizations display their ability to identify, anticipate and satisfy the needs of the public.  For businesses that have something valuable to offer, it is a method to attract customers who are willing to pay for a product or service.  The problem many companies face is they do

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Here’s Why Only Married Women Should Be Allowed to Vote in the US

In ancient Greece, women were property and never allowed the right to vote.  Slaves, freed slaves and foreigners were also denied to right to vote.  For men to vote, you had to be a contributing citizen of society.  That means men had to complete

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How Do Leaders Make Others Successful?

Many people believe leadership is about having power and authority over others.  That includes telling staff and management what to do.  In other cases, it is believed the leader is in place to fire whomever they want.  Wouldn’t that be the quintessential image of

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Do Black Men Hold Black Women to Unfair Standards?

If you look at the animal kingdom, it appears male and females come together easily.  While humans are animals, they have added layers of complexity to dating and mating.  Being a man or women is not enough for the opposite sex.  There are

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How Do You Plan Your Business for a Post Pandemic Environment, Economy & Future?

In the boardrooms of large corporations, the mantra is strategy.  However, it is not strategies for business as usual.  Executives have come to the realization that the world will never return to business as usual.  It does not even mean a

What¹s the Most Difficult Conversation Every Man Needs to Have with a Wo...

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Will the Pandemic Shut Women Out of the Workforce?

In the face of covid-19, social distancing has served as a blessing and a curse.  It has served to slow the spread of the virus.  And it has created a dilemma for the school system.  It appears to be a little more difficult to keep children in a classroom at a reasonable distance from one another.  If you have young children, you understand the

Thursday, May 7, 2020

How Important Is SEO in Your New Strategic Vision?

The corona virus has forced a reset for the global economy.  Because of that, now more than ever, Search Engine Optimization – SEO may be an important part of growing your business.  Most states in the US are not operating at full capacity.  Therefore, many people are

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Why Have Marriage Rates Dropped to Record Lows in the US?

On April 30, 2020, the Wall Street Journal printed an article called, Marriage Rate Plunges to Lowest Level on Record.  In 1867, the US government began keeping records of married couples.  In 2019, there are less couples getting married than in 1867.  And the writing has

Top 10 Reasons So Many Men Walked Away from Marriage?

Friday, May 1, 2020

What Tools Do You Have to Handle Stress, Anxiety and Total Disruption?

Join our webinar on Cinco de Mayo

The corona virus has forced lifestyle changes around the world and in a blink of an eye we went from our normal lives, to quarantine.  Our schools, recreation centers, restaurants and jobs closed until further notice.  We are now working from home or unemployed.  Homes that were once our sanctuary are