Sunday, March 17, 2019

Will the “Me Too” Movement Backfire on Women?

Throughout history, there have been a number of good intentions that have gone bad.  In the simplest form, the Good Samaritan helps someone and gets robbed.  In other cases, extreme police force has been used to stop crime in places like Washington, DC and the Bronx, NY.  In both cases, the crime rate increased.  The use of punishment to
stop a bad deed can sometimes backfire. 

In 2006, Tarana Burke started the “Me Too” movement.  She started it to help women who had been raped or sexually molested.  The intention was to help those women heal the psychological wounds from unwanted sex acts. 

As of 2017, the “Me Too” movement began to focus on bringing down men in powerful positions.  When those men lost their jobs, in many cases a woman filled the position.  What happened to the focus to help women who have been sexually abused?

One result of “Me Too” going astray is many men are taking a stand.  While these men do not want to see harm come to women, they also do not want to be in an environment that makes masculinity a crime.  Most men will never sexually abuse a woman.  An enormous amount of those men are part of MGTOW (Men Go Their Own Way).  For some women, they are irrelevant.  However, for the younger generation, this could be devastating for women.  Why?  These men do not want to engage women for permanent relationships, especially marriage.

As it stands, more millennial women are interested in marriage than men.  That means baby boomers and generation X have raised women who may never find one of life’s essentials – companionship.  This is just one way the “Me Too” movement can backfire.  In other respects, many men who serve as mentors to professional women are leery of spending alone time with a woman.  This can hurt a woman’s chances of moving up the corporate ladder.

In some ways, we may have opened Pandora’s Box.  The consequences are unfolding in ways that some may not see.  Join us to create a new conversation that in the best interest of society.        

Tonight, March 17, from 7:00pm-9:00pm (EST) at Straight Talk with Ted Santos and Blair Nash.

Call to comment or ask questions live at: (323) 642-1387.

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