Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why Do Cannibals Lead the Pack?

When your company is doing well,that is the time to orchestrate transformation.  These are the immortal words from a former CEO of a Fortune 500.  However, too often, CEOs are so focused on maximizing profits from existing revenue streams.  As a result, when a competitor introduces a disruptive product or service, the incumbent is not prepared.  That leads to being

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

To Build or Not to Build: That Is the Question

From the perspective of business executives, there are two ways to grow an enterprise: build or buy.

They ask whether it is appropriate to build a new business idea, product or service from scratch.  Or should the company buy an existing corporation that already provides the desired product or service?

The answer to that question: it depends. Either way, the solution is never simple.

Often, purchasing another organization is an