Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Three Pillars of Career Success

For many people, their career choices are the most important decisions in their life. Combine that with the fact that approximately 80% of our waking lives are dedicated to work. It is no wonder that career is taken so seriously. The remaining 20% of our lives is committed to family, friends, hobbies and play. Yet, we try to extract 80% of the enjoyment in our lives from the 20%.

In fact, we go to work with the belief that if

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Three Ways Companies Lose Top Talent

In many cases, companies with the best talent wins. However, if you are unable to retain top talent, it may be difficult for your business to lead its industry. That makes retention of high performers a critical part of your organization’s strategy.

For those who believe top talent is not a factor, here are some clever ways they run their enterprises to lose high performers.

  1. Restrict their creativity – In many cases, highly talented individuals are very creative. Their approach can be

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Disruptive Thinking for the U.S. Educational System

Currently, the US educational system is run like a government entity. In reality, it resembles the services industry. In a business that provides services, there is a deliverable for the customer. In public schools, the customer is the student and teachers are the front line workers who provide the service.  If schools adopted business practices, they would ask the customer: what would you like? In business, when clients do not believe they received what they paid for, they take their dollars elsewhere. As taxpayers, we pay for a service from the school districts. Therefore, we should ask: what is the deliverable for our children?

The deliverable is

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How Do You Take Advantage of Chaos?

With so much uncertainty and high unemployment, many of us are in a state of chaos. Because the media continues to report bad news, even those with stable jobs are affected by the uncertainty. Therefore, no one is immune. However, no one is stuck either.

On the one hand, it is easy to blame corporate America for this debacle. At the same time, it is important to do